
The primary purpose and reason for the existence of DCPLI include:

  • Spreading the Gospel: Sharing the message of salvation and the good news of Jesus Christ to bring about spiritual transformation and hope.
  • Freedom to the Captives and Healing to the sick
  • Serving Others: Demonstrating God’s love through acts of compassion, charity, and social service to help those in need.
  • Discipleship: Equipping and nurturing believers to grow in their faith and develop a deeper relationship with God.
  • Evangelization: Proactively reaching out to non-believers and seeking to bring them into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Community Impact: Engaging with local communities to address various societal issues, promote positive change, and provide support.
  • Worship and Prayer: Encouraging individuals and communities to connect with God through worship and prayer.
  • Using modern information and communication technology to worship/ glorify God: Populate heaven and depopulate hell